February...Love is Kind

Love is patient, love is Kind...what is that? 

I Corinthians 13
I read Webster's definition, searched a commentary or two, but found nothing substantial.  It's the second word used to describe love, therefore it must be important.

As I thought about kindness the month of February and my Word for the Year,  I realized how devalued this word  of kindness has become...it has been side-swiped from both ends by words like "co-dependence" and "diva."
Is it "doing good"?  I think it is more than that, maybe it involves an attitude of gentleness.

One of my favorite quotes is:

"Obligation can pour a glass of milk, but quite often, love adds a little chocolate." 

 That is a great picture of kindness, going the extra mile without someone asking you to....

It takes extra thought, deliberation.  I know how to "do good", but being kind, means that you have slowed down to see what the other person really wants or needs.
In the rush of busyness, kindness often gets forgotten.

Lord, help me to give some kindness today.


  1. I love your blog! Thankful for this lovely space.

    Love this post...I pray too for such ability to love like this!

  2. Thanks Abigail...I enjoyed your blog also! It's was interesting to see that you too are on a two year overseas mission. We are living in Peru, about 10 months in on our two year commitment. Blessings to you and your ministry!

  3. Hadn't heard the analogy of love, milk and chocolate milk. I like it! Thanks for stopping by the messy middle! AND I love quotations!


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