"Attention is the most concrete expression of love. What we pay attention to thrives. What we do not pay attention to withers and dies. What will you pay attention to today?"
I came across this quote this morning while reading. Although I don't completely agree with Zen I found this worth pondering and applying. (Hand Wash Cold, by Karen Miller http://www.karenmaezenmiller.com/blog)
So, we're headed to Peru for a two year mission trip and told that we need to pack everything we'll need in two suitcases. That's two suitcases for two years. Well, we have a 4 bedroom house. So, I've been trying to think about what I really want in these two suitcases. In fact, every time I go to the store now, I have to filter it thru these two suitcases. It has really cut down on my spending, which makes me think...Is God up there trying to get our attention? Hey, you're coming to heaven soon, do you really need all that "stuff"?
Today was one of my beautiful daughter's birthday. She turned 20. I was so very fortunate to get to take her out to coffee. Where else other than Starbucks? As we sipped on our coffee, I pulled out a book I recently picked up from a used bookstore, entitled IF2. It is full of 500plus questions. I opened it up and this question leaped from the page and I read it out loud to my daughter, "If God were to come down and whisper in your ear, what would you like him to say?" She gave me a wonderful answer that God had actually whispered to her during a quiet time awhile back. She then turned the question on me. I couldn't even answer, my eyes immediately started to tear. It wasn't only that I couldn't answer because I would break out in a full out sob in the middle of Starbucks, but I honestly didn't even know the answer. So, she kindly went on to some of the lighter questions and after we finished our coffee, I le...
Love is patient, love is Kind ...what is that? I Corinthians 13 I read Webster's definition, searched a commentary or two, but found nothing substantial. It's the second word used to describe love, therefore it must be important. As I thought about kindness the month of February and my Word for the Year , I realized how devalued this word of kindness has become...it has been side-swiped from both ends by words like "co-dependence" and "diva." Is it "doing good"? I think it is more than that, maybe it involves an attitude of gentleness. One of my favorite quotes is: " Obligation can pour a glass of milk, but quite often, love adds a little chocolate. " That is a great picture of kindness, going the extra mile without someone asking you to.... It takes extra thought, deliberation. I know how to "do good", but being kind, means that you have slowed down to see what the other person really wants or...
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