
Showing posts from March, 2012

February...Love is Kind

Love is patient, love is Kind ...what is that?  I Corinthians 13 I read Webster's definition, searched a commentary or two, but found nothing substantial.  It's the second word used to describe love, therefore it must be important. As I thought about kindness the month of February and my Word for the Year ,  I realized how devalued this word  of kindness has has been side-swiped from both ends by words like "co-dependence" and "diva." Is it "doing good"?  I think it is more than that, maybe it involves an attitude of gentleness. One of my favorite quotes is: " Obligation can pour a glass of milk, but quite often, love adds a little chocolate. "    That is a great picture of kindness, going the extra mile without someone asking you to.... It takes extra thought, deliberation.  I know how to "do good", but being kind, means that you have slowed down to see what the other person really wants or...