June 2016 Twin Fall, ID 51 years old this month and here are a few thoughts I've been ruminating! "Finding joy in life is a genuinely religious form of humility." I must humble myself to be thankful (and content) with the circumstances and things God has given me and only then is joy able to show its face. Getting Involved with God -Ellen Davis (pg. 110) "Perhaps true maturity and a growing faith show up not in our ability to stand up straight and blameless, but in our willingness to turn, again and again, back to the glory of God." http://emilypfreeman.com/blog/ - Emily Freeman I believe this turning back (towards each other) again and again needs to happen in marriage also. "A catechetical teaching on sin states, 'Sin is any willful thought, word, deed or omission against the law of God.' Omission refers here to offenses we commi...