Do you cherish your spouse as much as your iphone? How much did your phone cost? Have you spent that much on your spouse in the last 6 months? How much do you pay each month to maintain your iphone? Have you spent that much on your spouse this month? Did you buy a nice cover for your iphone to keep it in good condition? Have you read a good marriage book or attended a good marriage seminar in the last year to help keep your spouse and marriage in "good condition?" Apps, apps and more apps!! Have you browsed any shops lately looking for just the right accessory for your spouse...one that will make them say, "Wow"? Ringtone- You search and search for just the right ringtone to sound cool. How's the tone of your voice sounding to your spouse? You carry this phone in your pocket all day, you're careful to never lose it or damage it, you check your pocket several times a day to make sure it's still there. Have you...