
I haven't "blogged" in awhile. This year I plan to write a little more. 2013 has been quite the year....it started with Tom's blood clots, which necessitated us to return from Peru 6 months earlier then we had planned. Tara and Ben got married in January. We lived in 4 different houses this year, selling our home of 16 years and buying a new one. Kelly attended two different schools. We lived through reverse culture shock (having been in Peru for the last 18 months). Tom and I both started new jobs. Two of our family members went through some very traumatic situations. Kurt and Taylor got married in October. We found out that we will be grandparents for the first time this summer. I think I would call this the year of many changes! God gave me the word, "Hope" at the beginning of 2013. I didn't really want this word at first, because I thought it was "weak," but I soon came to love this word. It is re...