Council of the Holy Ones One thing I really love, is being in on discussions where important decisions are being made. I love hearing the different ideas and I love trying to help come up with the best solution(s). With that on my mind, I read Psalm 89:7 this is now one of my new favorite verses. "In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared, he is more awesome than all who surround him." Can you see it?! I can picture the "holy council" meeting and in walks (or breezes) God...if they fear him and think He is awesome, how much more should I? The smartest council ( aka the council of the holy ones) still looks to God....what an amazing thought!! How little I look to Him for my answers. I think that if I have considered everything there is to think about than my logical decision is best....This verse reminds me who I need to listen to for input.