
Showing posts from 2013


I haven't "blogged" in awhile.  This year I plan to write a little more.  2013 has been quite the started with Tom's blood clots, which necessitated us to return from Peru 6 months earlier then we had planned.  Tara and Ben got married in January.  We lived in 4 different houses this year, selling our home of 16 years and buying a new one.  Kelly attended two different schools.  We lived through reverse culture shock (having been in Peru for the last 18 months). Tom and I both started new jobs.  Two of our family members went through some very traumatic situations.  Kurt and Taylor got married in October.  We found out that we will be grandparents for the first time this summer.   I think I would call this the year of many changes!  God gave me the word, "Hope" at the beginning of 2013.  I didn't really want this word at first, because I thought it was "weak," but I soon came to love this word.  It is re...
"But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God, then I discerned their end."   Psalm 73:16
Council of the Holy Ones One thing I really love, is being in on discussions where important decisions are being made.  I love hearing the different ideas and I love trying to help come up with the best solution(s). With that on my mind, I read Psalm 89:7 this is now one of my new favorite verses. "In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared, he is more awesome than all who surround him." Can you see it?!  I can picture the "holy council" meeting and in walks (or breezes) God...if they fear him and think He is awesome, how much more should I?   The  smartest council ( aka the council of the holy ones)   still looks to God....what an amazing thought!!  How little I look to Him for my answers.  I think that if I have considered everything there is to think about than my logical decision is best....This verse reminds me who I need to listen to for input.

The Invisible Woman

What a wonderful video clip...may we all keep building for Him!!


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place! -George Bernard Shaw Sometimes one wonders what the purpose of Valentine's day it really to rush down to Walgreen's at midnight and find that ridiculously expensive red card and big bag of chocolates that you will regret tomorrow? For me it is this... Today is made to remind me to love especially well on those lives that live closest to me, that sometimes get stuck with the "left-overs".    May they know that I truly love them! Happy Valentine's Day

New Discoveries

I love these wise words from a blog post of Bonnie Gray , she is a guest write today over at (in)courage .  Take the time to read the whole post.  Below is a quote from her blog that especially spoke to me. "God took painstaking effort to give Noah the blueprints and details of the ark that would save him from the flood. But, among all the minutia of measurements of timber, windows and even the door, God left out two specifications. There was no sail.  And there was no rudder. The ark was not designed to be navigated. The fate of everyone who trusted God enough to walk into the hollow of the ark — and allowed the door to be closed —  was placed in the hands of God. Maybe we were never designed to steer this life, to go the way we want. Maybe peace isn’t instantaneous, but a conviction to run into the arms of the One who can love us in mist of our storms."    Bonnie Gray

Words unspoken

I just read this today on Daniel Darling's blog ...I liked it. "What often frustrates me about my generation is that we’ve decided certain causes are chic and others are signs of narrow-mindness. To speak out on behalf of the millions of innocent babies who are sent to their death—that’s labeled extremism. But to speak out on behalf of victims of sex trafficking—that’s noble." My heart aches for those that cannot speak before they even live.