I have been looking forward to the upcoming Lent season. I had already made up my mind that I was going to have an hour of silence per day as suggested by one of my daughter's friends. Although silence is somewhat lacking in my life and would take effort to obtain, it was something that I was eagerly anticipating. This morning I woke up and God asked me for something completely different. " The Lord is my Shepherd ...I shall not want ." That's it. My forty days are to be spent worshiping and praising my God and King- NO asking. Contentment. Resting. The thoughts came quickly and strongly this morning-I shared them with my husband-his first reaction was similar to mine... not this month, we have to work hard at fund raising for our trip to Peru and that includes praying, pleading to God for financial support... we will still discuss our trip and plans with others...but for God and me, this Lent season is to b...