
Today was one of my beautiful daughter's birthday. She turned 20. I was so very fortunate to get to take her out to coffee. Where else other than Starbucks? As we sipped on our coffee, I pulled out a book I recently picked up from a used bookstore, entitled IF2. It is full of 500plus questions. I opened it up and this question leaped from the page and I read it out loud to my daughter, "If God were to come down and whisper in your ear, what would you like him to say?" She gave me a wonderful answer that God had actually whispered to her during a quiet time awhile back. She then turned the question on me. I couldn't even answer, my eyes immediately started to tear. It wasn't only that I couldn't answer because I would break out in a full out sob in the middle of Starbucks, but I honestly didn't even know the answer. So, she kindly went on to some of the lighter questions and after we finished our coffee, I le...