Yesterday I started my day with asking God what He wanted me to "do" today. I was telling Him that I was ready to go and accomplish whatever He had ready for me-I mean He did send us all the way over here to Peru! I was sitting quietly listening and I felt His presence tell me that as Americans, we are often in too much of a hurry to check "things" off our list. Perhaps we are addicted to our feeling of accomplishments. He softly told me He wanted me to "be" gracious, be fill in the blank. How often do I work at "being"?...not near as much as I think about "doing." I know that both are important-which is why "The God of Intimacy and Action" is one of my favorite books. I then remembered one of my favorite excerpts for Phillip Yancey's, "Reaching for the Invisible God." Read the excerpt below. '"I have visited Calcutta, India, a place of poverty, death and irremed...